First Congregational Church – Time & Talent Commitment Goals for 2020
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I would like to share my time and talents through the ministries of First Congregational Church in the following ways
Contact Information
This address will receive a confirmation email
Spending time with God: Recognizing that every day is a gift from God, strive to spend some of each day with God through prayer. Pledge to spend time with God in prayer in the following Ways.
Please select all that apply.
Attend Sunday Services
Attend Special Services
Say Grace Before Meals
Form a Prayer Group
Practice Daily Personal Prayer/Meditation
Liturgy & Worship
I would like to help with
Please select all that apply.
Communion Servers
First Friends
Ushers for Funerals/Special Events
Funeral Server/Set up / Clean up
Music at First Church
I am interested in
Please select all that apply.
Playing with the Canterbury Bells
Singing with the Chancel Choir
I play an instrument and would like to get involved. I play the...
I'm interested in helping with
Please select all that apply.
Sound Board
Sound Editing
Video Recording
Video Editing
Faith Formation / Christian Ed
I'm interested in helping with
Please select all that apply.
Teaching Sunday School
Youth Group Adult Volunteer
Confirmation Teaching Aide
Boy Scouts
Chaperone for day trips
Chaperone for overnight service trips
Library Volunteer
Practicing Our Faith
Lenten Dinner Programs
First Church Community
I'm interested in helping with
Please select all that apply.
Special Friends (Visiting homebound members)
Parish Care (meals after setbacks)
Parish Care (company for patients while family run errands)
Office Volunteering
Event Photographer
Stewardship Committee
Association/Conference Delegate
Parish Life MInistry
Facility and Finance Ministry
Christian Education Ministry
Benevolence Auction Planning
Benevolence Committee (distributes auction receipts and authorizes Memorial Gifts)
Mary Martha Guild
Lady Elect Guild
Church Work Day Volunteer
Community Outreach
I'm interested in
Please select all that apply.
Helping Cook for Room at the Inn
Room at the Innkeeper (overnight stays)
Brown Baggers
Food Pantry
Habitat for Humanity
Webster-Rock Hill Ministries
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